Category Archives: Personality

Islands, church trips, and the delay of gratification

Last weekend was a bit of a flop, in many ways. At least that should mean things have more potential to get better! I had been meaning to go to OSSbarcamp, and thought I had booked the hotel for my stay, but it turned out I’d forgotten, and all the ones I could find with […]

Who am I? How did I get here? Where do I go next?

Who am I? As my angiogram, with its attendant risks, is only three days away at the time I’m writing this, I’m worrying about the risk of death and of going to hell, or even just the risk of death, and I’ve been reading about the growing body of non-scientific evidence for survival of the […]


On a recent trip to the UK, I saw a roadsign that made me stop and think: I like signs and symbols to which I can attach unexpected meaning. I remember visiting a friend who was spending a year in a religious community, and getting into theological and philosophical discussions, as one does. I had […]